Laser Eye Surgery – How to Prepare

Laser Eye Surgery – How To Prepare

Congratulations! If you’ve made it to this post, you have likely secured yourself a date to have laser eye surgery… or you are planning to and making sure you know exactly how to prepare. Kudos.  Preparation prior to your surgery is important. Once there are no question marks remaining surrounding surgery, your big day will feel more relaxing.

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Click here to view a video on what to expect at your consultation

a head with a blue deviceThis process can take between 2-3 hours as several measurements and scans are required. Please ensure you provide accurate vision and medical history to the clinic, even if it seems irrelevant. Family medical history is also relevant. You will need to have soft contact lenses out for two week prior to your consultation.

If you wear hard / ortho-K contact lenses, please let us know when scheduling your consultation and we will advise the length of time they must be out. Usually, a follow-up appointment to re-measure your eyes is required.

Contact lenses

contact lens - prepare for laser eye surgery

If you wear soft contact lenses (including daily/weekly/fortnightly/monthly/toric), they must be out for 1-2 days prior to the day of your surgery. 

If you wear hard / RGP / ortho-K contact lenses, you will have been informed on how long they are required to be out prior to surgery.  It is usually 4-6 weeks. If you are unsure, please contact the clinic. 

Please wear your glasses in this time.  If you do not have glasses, a temporary pair will need to be procured from an Optometrist.


Full payment is required at least one week prior to your surgery.  Your deposit that was paid to hold your surgery date is deducted from the total cost of surgery and we request payment via eftpos, bank transfer or a pre-approved GEM Visa 0% finance application.

Bank West
Name: Jadetown Pty Ltd ATF The Liness Trust
BSB: 306 089
Account number: 3745390

Please note: We do not accept cash or cheques.

Have a support person lined up

driver - support person following surgeryWe ask that you bring a family member or friend on the day of surgery. Your support person will need to drive you home and must remain in the clinic throughout your procedure.  They will also sit in with you whilst we discuss your post-operative eye drops and what to do once you have returned home from surgery. 

It is important that you have someone present for the first night following your surgery.

You will also require a driver for your appointment the following morning after your surgery. Most patients have reached driving standards by this time (*unless you have had PRK/ASA) and will be able to drive (if they feel confident to do so) from the following day.  You must first be cleared by Dr Furness.

*PRK/ASA patient’s can expect a longer healing period, possibly with more post-operative discomfort. Analgesics are provided to help you manage discomfort during the days following your surgery. Driving standards vision is not likely for the first 1-3 days.

The day before your laser eye surgery

Remove make-up / lotions / perfumes thoroughly

showerTo reduce the risk of infection, it is important that you shower and wash your hair the morning of your surgery or the night before your surgery (early admissions). We ask that you gently but thoroughly remove all make-up, especially on and around the eyes. 

It is also important to thoroughly cleanse your hair and body of all lotions, perfumes, deodorant and creams. On the day of your procedure, you can wear roll-on deodorant only (no aerosol) and non-tinted moisturiser on your face, completely avoiding the eye and surrounding eye area.

Fasting and alcohol

In almost all cases, you are not required to fast before your laser eye surgery. We ask that you do not drink alcohol the night prior to your surgery and the day/night of your surgery.  If for any reason you are required to fast prior to your procedure, you will have been made aware in the lead-up to the day.

Eat a light meal

a plate of food with eggs and berriesMost surgeries are performed in the morning. We ask that you eat a light meal before your surgery to maintain your blood sugar levels. Avoid heavy or fatty meals. Also, we will provide you with an oral sedative prior to your procedure and a meal in the morning will help you to avoid any nausea symptoms.

Download a podcast or an audiobook

Click this link for Spotify’s most highly recommended podcasts

The lead up to your surgery day is a great time to download that audiobook that you haven’t had the time to listen to. You might also have plans to binge your favourite podcasts! This is a great way to prepare for the downtime after your surgery.  We recommend that you do not use screens following your surgery for the remainder of the day (a minute here and there is fine). It is also best to avoid reading materials in this time.  Enjoy the mini break from day to day life.

The day of your surgery

Wear something comfortable and warm

Our surgery suite must remain at a cooler temperature so it can feel cold in there. Although we will provide a cosy blanket, it is recommended that you dress comfortably and warm on your surgery day. Bring a jumper that does not go over your head. Avoid any fluffy materials and ensure your clothes are loose fitting.

what to wear on your laser eye surgery day

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