
This guide will ensure you make the best choice for your eyes. Do not miss out on a thing!
Benefits of laser eye surgery to healthcare workers. Improve your daily work life.
LASIK or SMILE? What do all these terms mean? I just want to get rid of my glasses... click here to understand your options.
What type of contact lenses do you wear? It is relevant to the length of time they must be out. Read more...
Besides the obvious occasional double vision, red eyes and beer goggles... what are those units of alcohol really doing to our eyes?
Patient's are getting amazing results from 'extended depth of focus' lenses. Find out more...
There are several vision issues linked to ADHD. What are they & how can you help treat the symptoms?
The best break-down you will get on laser eye surgery! Googles 21 most popular questions.
Understand the cause of colour blindness as well as the different types.
Plan for your laser eye surgery day with this informative guide on 'How to Prepare'.
Instruction guide on how to prepare for your cataract surgery for patients of Dr Graham Furness
A comprehensive guide compiled to full inform you on cataract surgery, health fund cover and what to expect
Instruction guide on how to prepare for your RLE surgery for patients of Dr Graham Furness

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